Cold Water Bassin
Went to big rocky pond at 3:00 and had a decent time. Went straight to a spot that usually always produces a good amount of fish. Especially in the summer! It was right off a point that had a deep rock wall. Originally i had tied on a jointed shad rap, weightless fluke, and a jig but found out i forgot my weights so with the winds blowin i had to take off the fluke. Fished the point for a bit and caught one small bass off it. Fished the same spot for a few and moved around the point up to another point and caught two more bass with a couple hits. Fished out the spot and went back before dark. No big bass lurk in big rocky, but it's alot of fun fishing this pond and it's great for the winter months. All bass were caught on a jig in more than 15ft of water with temps unknown One hit it on the fall and the other two hit it creeping along the bottom. Overall i got my fix for a little while and got to try out some of my new gear so im happy :)
No ice at all. Even on the smaller ponds 3 acres or less. With next weeks forecast that's certainly gona change though!
Much ice?
If ponds don't lock up this week ill be out in my yak!
Tossin out my sliver buddy for smallys
great job
BTW no pickerel in this pond somehow... otherwise i probably would of hook some toothy critters