A Variety Of Catches On A Variety Of Ponds!
Hit up a few different ponds over the course of a couple days and enjoyed catching and netting some quality fish. During the trips I was able to fish with my Dad on Winthrop....we caught a few bass around 2 pounds and I lost one around 4 pounds right at the boat but the most worthy catch was my almost 1 lb bull frog caught on a soft belly frog. We got in 9 holes on the golf course as well which was our first time on the links in two years. I then fished with Chuck on a nearby pond and we had a head's up fish off resulting in Angler21 with 5 fish and Landlord with 4 fish...weight would have been close but we didn't have a scale and big fish honors went to Chuck. Last trip was with Mike and we had about a 20 fish day including his 4lber and my 2 foot Pick. All in all, a great time on the water with a grear group of characters.